So, for some crazy reason that is as of yet unknown even to me, I have decided to participate in NaBloPoMo. Wish me luck, because I have enough of a hard time blogging every week, never mind every day! Now, what on earth could I blog about every day, you ask? Well, certainly not knitting since I really haven't done too much of that lately. Every time I go to start a project, I get the blahs in the middle of it and rather than just set it aside, I usually frog what I've done and shove the re-wound yarn back into one of my stash cupboards. I don't know why...but I just can't seem to get "startitis" lately. Maybe it's partially because I don't know what I really want to knit. Maybe that's it. I mean, I want to knit socks, I want to knit a neckwarmer, I want to knit a shrug, I want to knit this, I want to knit that...but I'm finding it a tad difficult to find a pattern that really excites me. Everything on Ravelry is just starting to clutter into one big jumble of similar patterns so very rarely do I find something truly unique. I suppose I could knit some more of my shawl, or put the thumb into my mitts, but even then I find myself easily distracted. Well, since I've been unable to properly start a new project I'm giving myself a kind of break from my hobby and going back to reading.
Lately, I've been re-reading rather than actually going out in search of a new book - a new form of literary entertainment. I know, I know...most people look at me like I'm crazy when I say that I can read the same book over and over again, but I can! To me, returning to a book I've read several times is a comfort. A kind of homecoming really. I settle back on the couch with a well-worn copy of a particular story (my favorite of all time being The Time Traveller's Wife...damn you Pam), take a deep sigh and just let myself get taken away by the author's words. And it's just so easy because you know how the story ends already, so there's no rush to get to that climactic (or sometimes anti-climactic part). I find when I re-read that I often pick up on little nuances that I missed the first and even second time reading a book, and that just thrills me. Makes me feel like some kind of novel detective picking up new clues in an old murder case. Silly, I know...but true nonetheless.
I'm trying really hard to plod through Gregory MaGuire's "Wicked", but at times I find his writing style just so dry. He tends to go off on tangents, I find, letting himself get carried away in pretentious detail. The basic story is good, or at least it is from what I can tell. Mneh. I'm just going to keep on trekking through so I can get to the point where I can put it down and then re-read. For some reason, a book is also always better the second time through I find...which is another thing I like about re-reading.
I finally finished the Twilight series as well, and I guess I have a question for other Twilight fans out there. Did you find that last book to be a bit of a let down? I know I did. I don't know, I was expecting there to be more at the end then there was. It's like "boom" Bella's a vampire and married and well, she's GOOD at them both and oh yeah, she's pregnant too so obviously Bella's even more special than she already is. And oh yeah, Victoria's still around and trying to kill Bella (which I have to confess gets kind of boring after she uses hunting Bella as a plot twist in the first, second and well, third books)...and don't even get me started on Jacob's imprinting on Renesmee. I don't know. Maybe I'm disappointed because it just got to be so predictable after a while. I liked the books, don't get me wrong. I did! They were quick reads, and when I didn't get too bogged down in the fact that it was almost like the same plotlines over and over and over, I found them incredibly enjoyable. The vampiric family of the Cullens are a likeable bunch, and so is Bella herself since she's not some perfect, uber-strong, uber-tough chick that can handle anything. She's a teenager, and well quite simply perfect in her imperfections...if that makes any sense.
Eh...anyway, I'm done ranting and raving about that. Eventually it starts to sound like repetitious nonsense in my head so I'll just stop before that happens. I think I'm going to head off and have a snack. Thanks for reading guys,and I promise...I will have some FO's to post soon...provided I can get off my ass and actually knit something worth a damn! ;)
Easy Guide to Fermenting Vegetables at Home
2 days ago
I skipped over a chunk of your post, as I haven't started the Twilight series yet...but congrats on signing up for NaBloPoMo! I managed to blog daily in October, and I'm going to do it again this month...
Which reminds me...I haven't done today's yet...
Yay for NaBloPoMo... I should sign up since I already post almost everyday but maybe next time :-) I cant wait to see FO pics
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